DIY e-guitar - Part 3 - Finishing
After doing a quick test by screwing on the neck and two outermost tuning machines with strings, checking that they sound fairly OK, I decided that it is time to start finishing the thing, to make sure it's playable as soon as possible. So, based on the suggestions I've seen on youtube and read everywhere, I started by taping everything carefully: on the neck part masked the fretboard, bindings, tuning peg holes, neck joint getting inside the body, nut, and on the body masked the pickup holes, the f-hole edges, bridge post and tailpiece post holes, potentiometer holes, toggle switch hole, and the neck cavity. After everything being taped, I went on with two coats of ground for wood (sanded with 120-grit then 320-grit sandpaper) and then came the interesting part with mahogany-tinted odorless wooden lacquer. It looked quite dark brown, but when applied to the mahogany (started with the neck first) it turned out to be orange-y. So, I've applied several coats: one coat ...