Guitar restoration - Part 16 - Adjusting the action
After putting the strings on the guitar I could see that the action was quite high at both the 1st and the 12th fret. Quite high meaning 4+ mm on both sides at the 12th fret, and ~1.2mm on both sides at the 1st fret. The "normal"/medium action based on several sources is somewhere a bit below 3.2mm (0.125 inch) on the bass side and 2.5 mm (0.095 inch) on the treble side E (see So I took my saw and cut about 3-4 mm from the bottom of the saddle (given that the material removed from the saddle should be twice as much you want to lower your action at the 12th fret), which was too much, given that I have quite a deep groove (5mm) for the saddle, and the saddle sides at the treble and bass E went below the bridge level. Not good. Another mistake. But learning is good. Measure twice, cut once proved to be a good motto again. Nevermind, I took another saddle, which was a bit smaller than the previous one (at least in height, it w...