Guitar restoration - Part 15 - Second bridge reglue

So after the last failure, I have ordered and received a set of new clamps, and after sort-of fixing the finish (and some additional work to polish the whole surface with some automotive polishing paste to make the shellac shine) I glued the bridge again (First I have masked around the bridge to avoid glue squeeze-out ruining the finish, and let the masking tape ruin the finish), with the three extremely heavy and serious clamps clamping it down, tightened until there's some glue squeeze out.

Given that the clamps were quite heavy, I kept the guitar standing to avoid the clamps' weight pushing the top down. I waited 24 hours, and removed the two clamps from the sides, and waited another 24 hours for safety. Then strung it up (with some used colored strings for the sake of the test). And the bridge didn't break off. And the guitar sounded great, intonation was mostly ok. But there were some more adjustments left, as the action was quite high.


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